06.08.20 – Pierre Omer & The Nightcruisers
Folk Rock Americana.

06.08.20 – Pierre Omer & The Nightcruisers
Folk Rock Americana.

Pierre Omer: chant, guitare, Philippe Koller: violon, Julien Israelian: batterie, Marco De Freitas: contrebasse, Francois Tschumy: pedal steel, Daniel Minten: violon alto, Giacomo Grandi: violoncelle, Maude Steiner: guitare, chant, David Weber: ingénieur de son

  1. Extrait#1 Pierre Omer & the Nightcruisers 3:15
  2. Extrait#2 Pierre Omer & the Nightcruisers 3:10
  3. Extrait#3 Pierre Omer & the Nightcruisers 3:34
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